Settle Student Loans
You May Be Able To Settle Student Loans
First, it really helps if the student loan you want to settle is a private student loan (not a government issued loan).
Second, as with debt settlement in general, it usually helps if you have a lump sum you can use to pay the agreed upon settlement amount. However, a lump sum is not always required. Some lenders will allow a payment plan.
Lastly, you want a no-interest payment plan with a repayment term and a monthly payment that works for you.
Important Note: You may be able to settle your student loan debt even if you are already being sued for repayment!
The Law Firm of Vaughn, Weber & Prakope, PLLC can assist you with Student Loan Settlement and other Student Loan issues. Call (516) 858-2620 to arrange a FREE consultation with an attorney!
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